article Changing Global Scan Performance Thresholds

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This article describes how to adjust the thresholds that are used to determine coloring within the Global Scan performance fields for all elements or for individual elements.

Article Contents

Understanding What Each Field Represents

Before you change GlobalScan thresholds, refer to the table below for a description of each field that you can control and the associated setting name that will be used later in this article.

Performance Field Description DataStore setting name uptime.conf setting name
TOT The overall total CPU % busy. gs_cpu_warn
% Used The capacity of the file system that is most full on the element. gs_diskfull_warn
% Busy The work time of the busiest spindle on the element. gs_diskbusy_warn
Swap Used Total swap space used. gs_swap_warn

Each field has two setting names: one to control the warning (yellow) threshold and another to set the critical (red) threshold. Either or both settings can be modified. The setting to update for warning thresholds includes the word warn in the setting and the critical threshold setting includes the word crit in the setting name.

Changing Thresholds for all Elements

To change the current thresholds for all elements within your up.time installation, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to your up.time DataStore using an ODBC or database tool. Assuming that you have installed up.time in the default location, you can access the DataStore at the command line using the following commands:

    «change to the up.time installation directory»
    cd mysql
    cd bin
    ./mysql -u uptime --password=uptime -P 3308 --protocol=TCP uptime

  2. After you login to the up.time DataStore, run a command to update the threshold that you want to use with all elements. The command format and an example are detailed below. Replace the «field» text in the example below with a value from the DataStore setting name column in the table above. Replace the «new value» text in the example below with your new threshold setting (decimal values are not permitted for thresholds).

    Note: All mysql commands assume that you are using a MySQL DataStore. The format of the commands may differ slightly for Oracle or SQL Server databases.

    mysql» update entity set «field»=«new value»;

    mysql» update entity set gs_swap_warn=50
    mysql» update entity set gs_swap_crit=75

  3. Run the command above for each threshold value that you want to change. When you are finished, use the exit; command to be returned to the command line.

Refresh your GlobalScan view to see the new settings.

Changing Thresholds for a Single Element

To change the current thresholds for a single element within your up.time installation, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to your up.time DataStore using an ODBC or database tool. See the example above for details on accessing the default up.time DataStore installation.
  2. Run two commands to update the threshold for a specific element.

    The first command looks up the ID of the element that you want to update, and the second command applies the change. The command formats and an example are detailed below.

    Replace the «display» text in the example below with the display name of the element for which you want to change the thresholds. Replace the «field» text in the example below with a value from the DataStore setting name column in the table above. Replace the «new value» text in the example below with your new threshold setting. The first command will return a value that you will need to use to replace the «id» text within the second command (decimal values can not be used for the new threshold).

    mysql» select entity_id from entity where display_name='«display»';
    mysql» update entity set «field»=«new value» where entity_id=«id»;

    mysql» select entity_id from entity where display_name='my server';
    | 23 |
    mysql» update entity set gs_swap_warn=50 where entity_id=23;
    mysql» update entity set gs_swap_crit=75 where entity_id=23;

  3. Run the command above for each threshold value that you want to change. When finished, use the exit; command to be returned to the command line.

Refresh your Global Scan view to see the new settings.

Changing the Default Values for New Elements

Configure different default GlobalScan threshold settings for all new elements that you add to up.time by completing the following steps:

  1. On your monitoring station system, open the uptime.conf file in a text editor.

    The uptime.conf file is located in the base up.time installation folder.

  2. Locate the following lines in the file:


  3. Edit the values after the = character to reflect the default GlobalScan thresholds that you want to use for new elements added to up.time.
  4. Save the file and exit the text editor.
  5. Restart the up.time core service.

    On Solaris and Linux monitoring stations, restart the uptime_core service. On Windows monitoring stations, restart the up.time Data Collector service.

All elements that you add to up.time will use the GlobalScan thresholds specified in the uptime.conf file.

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