article What permissions does up.time require for ESX monitoring?

We recommend using the root account for ESX monitoring. If the root account is not available, you can add an up.time user with the following instructions: 

  1. SSH login to the ESX system as root. 
  2. Create your up.time user: > adduser –p PASSWORD uptime 
  3. Edit /etc/vmware/hostd/authorization.xml as shown below. You will need to: 
    • add the stanza for the new user (copy it from the vpxuser stanza and change the id and ACEDataId) 
    • increase the NextAceId value. ha-folder-root 10 false true -1 root ha-folder-root 11 false true -1 vpxuser ha-folder-root 12 false true -1 uptime 13 
  4. Restart vmware-hostd: > /etc/init.d/mgmt-vmware stop > /etc/init.d/mgmt-vmware start 
  5. Wait about 5 minutes for hostd to restart. 
  6. Add your ESX system to up.time.

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