article Manually dump up.time 5.x MySQL DataStore contents

The up.time DataStore contains information such as:

  • up.time configuration details.
  • Configuration and system information for monitored hosts.
  • Performance data gathered by monitors.
  • User information.
  • Settings for service monitors, alert and action profiles, scheduled maintenance and host checks.
  • Saved reports that are scheduled to run at specific intervals.

The largest DataStore tables are those that contain performance information.  If you need to manually dump your MySQL DataStore, the operation can take a considerable amount of time to complete if the DataStore contains a large amount of performance data.  However, you can speed up the database dump by excluding any or all of the performance data tables from the dump operation.


To perform a database dump without performance data, complete the following steps to dump the contents of the DataStore to the uptime-dump.sql file:


Linux or Solaris platforms:

# cd /mysql/bin # ./mysqldump -uuptime -puptime -P3308 --protocol=tcp

















--ignore-table=uptime.archive_delenda uptime > uptime-dump.sql

Windows platforms:

> cd \mysql\bin > mysqldump -uuptime -puptime -P3308 --protocol=tcp

















--ignore-table=uptime.archive_delenda uptime > uptime-dump.sql

Note that if you need to include some performance data tables in the database dump, do not specify them using the --ignore-table option.

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