article Finding your HostID

To obtain a permanent up.time license key, you must have the HostID from the system that will host the up.time monitoring station.

The license key is node locked to the HostID of your monitoring station so a new key will be required if you plan to move your up.time deployment to a new system.  Please refer to Moving Your License Key for further information on this subject.

Note: major changes to system hardware (such as NIC changes) may change the HostID and invalidate your license key.  Please contact uptime Support if you have questions or require more information about what will invalidate your license key.

To Find your HostID

The HostID can be found in the the up.time web interface by logging in as an up.time administrator user.  The default configuration uses admin as both the user name and password.  For information on resetting the Admin password, please refer to Resetting the up.time Administrator Password

Once you are logged in, follow these steps to locate your HostID:

up.time version 5.0 and later

  1. Click the Config tab.
  2. Click the License Info link in the navigation panel on the left side of the screen.

up.time version 4.x

Follow the same process as described above.  


Example of a typical HostID format:

The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is "000c29839401" 

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