article How do I set user permissions?

To control the actions a user can perform in the up.time interface, define a User Role that sets the appropriate permissions and then assign that Role to an existing User:

  1. Click Users on the up.time tool bar.
  2. In the Tree panel, click Add New User Role.
  3. Type a name for this role in the Name of User Role field.
  4. Optionally, type a short description in the Description of User Role field.
  5. In the first Permissions area of the Add User Role window, assign the user permissions to View, Add, Edit or Delete the following items by clicking the checkbox beside each item:
    • User
    • Entities
    • Services
    • Entity Groups
    • Action Profiles
    • Alert Profiles
  6. Optionally, in the second Permissions area, enable one or more of the following options by clicking the Allowed checkbox:
    • Administrator: user can perform all up.time administration tasks.
    • Acknowledge Alerts: user can acknowledge an alert (see Understanding Alerts for more information).
    • Save Reports: user can save reports (links to the saved reports will appear in the My Portal panel or the user can save reports to a local or network drive).
  7. Click Save.

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