Yes, performance threshold staus indicators can be updated globally or per system on the GlobalScan page. Please see Changing GlobalScan Performance Thresholds for instructions.
Changing Global Scan Performance Thresholds | Rating | Views | |
By: uptime Support | Date Created: 3-31-2006 | Last Modified: 8-9-2011 | Index: 063 |
7790 |
What thresholds should I use for my monitors? | Rating | Views | |
up.time does not recommend default thresholds for service monitors because in most cases these thresholds are specific to your application or server configuration and your operational SLAs or... By: uptime Support | Date Created: 10-10-2009 | Last Modified: 8-13-2011 | Index: 414 |
2150 |
How to exclude file systems from the GlobalScan page | Rating | Views | |
To exclude file systems from the GlobalScan go through these steps for each agent system that you would like to exclude file systems from. - Browse to the element using My Enterprise - Under the... By: uptime Support | Date Created: 10-14-2009 | Last Modified: 8-13-2011 | Index: 434 |
2485 |
Why is the GlobalScan Recent Outages graph an hour slow? | Rating | Views | |
The recent outages graph shows outages in blocks of 60 minutes working backwards from the current time on the monitoring station. So, if it is 9:05am on the monitoring station the right hand most... By: uptime Support | Date Created: 9-22-2010 | Last Modified: 8-10-2011 | Index: 510 |
1727 |
How do I change my password? | Rating | Views | |
To change your password do the following 1. Login to up.time. 2. Click 'My Portal' if you aren't there already 3. Click the Edit icon beside your username under the 'My Preferences' label 4. Set... By: uptime Support | Date Created: 10-2-2008 | Last Modified: 8-25-2011 | Index: 337 |
4746 |