article How to move the up.time datastore directory

Use the following steps to move your up.time datastore to a different directory:

  1. Stop the up.time Data Collector and Data Store services.
  2. Move the \datastore\data directory to your desired location.
  3. Edit the \mysql\my.ini file, so that the "datadir" entry points to the new location of the datastore directory.
  4. Start the up.time Data Store and Data Collector services.
  5. Confirm the change by checking the timestamps of the ibdata* files in the new datastore directory and verify that you can successfully log in to the up.time UI.

Windows Commands
  1. > net stop "up.time Data Collector" 
    > net stop "up.time Data Store"
  2. > move <uptime_dir>\datastore\data <new_location>
  3. -- update "datadir=" in <uptime_dir>\mysql\my.ini to point to <new_location>
  4. > net start "up.time Data Store"
    > net stop "up.time Data Collector"
Linux Commands
  1. # /etc/init.d/uptime_core stop
    # /etc/init.d/uptime_datastore stop
  2. mv <uptime_dir>/datastore/data <new_location>
  3. -- update "datadir=" in <uptime_dir>\mysql\my.ini to point to <new_location>
  4. # /etc/init.d/uptime_datastore stop
    # /etc/init.d/uptime_core stop 

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