article Running up.time with an Oracle database


The up.time DataStore can run on an Oracle database to leverage existing Oracle installations and take advantage of Oracle's advanced replication, recovery and archiving features. This article assumes that you have already installed up.time and have an Oracle database available (see Supported Databases for version details).

Step 1 - Preparing the Oracle Database

To run up.time with an Oracle database, first create a database on your Oracle instance that up.time will be able to use. If you are unsure which databases are available to you or how to create a new database, please contact your Oracle administrator and have a database configured for up.time.

Within the Oracle database that will hold up.time configuration and historical data, create a user account that up.time will use to access the database. The example below illustrates how to create an up.time database user with a 10 GB tablespace for storing historical performance data although you can allocate a tablespace of any size to the up.time database user (other user settings are similarly flexible).

Note that larger installations should allocate a large tablespace to accommodate large volumes of historical data.

NOTE: This script is provided as an example. Your exact steps and settings will vary depending on your Oracle database configuration.

create tablespace uptime_data logging
datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/uptime/uptime_data' size 10000m
blocksize 8192
extent management local uniform size 256k
segment space management auto

create user uptime identified by password default
tablespace uptime_data;

grant create session to uptime;
grant create table to uptime;
grant create sequence to uptime;

alter user uptime quota 10000m on uptime_data;

Also set up the following permissions, which are sufficient for up.time to create the up.time data structure and continue with standard operations:

  • Roles
    • Connect
  • System Privileges:
    • create procedure
    • create sequence
    • create synonym
    • create table
    • create view
    • unlimited tablespace
Step 2 - Configuring up.time

After you have created the Oracle database and set up the up.time database, you need to configure up.time to access the new database.

To do this, edit the uptime.conf file (located in the up.time installation folder) and add a # character to the beginning of each of the following lines:


Just below the lines listed above, there is a second group of lines in the uptime.conf file that define how up.time will connect to an Oracle database (see below). Remove the # character from the start of these lines and update the dbHost, dbPort, dbName, dbUsername and dbPassword to match the settings of your Oracle database and the user that you created in Step 1. Also update the uptime-controller.conf file (located in the up.time installation folder) /controller/resources with the same changes.


Step 3 - Resetting the up.time DataStore

Reset the up.time DataStore settings to create the tables and default values required by up.time on your Oracle database. To do this, run the following command on your up.time monitoring station:

up.time_install_path/resetdb really

NOTE: This command will reset any existing up.time-specific database settings. Before running this command, ensure that the settings in the uptime.conf file are correct.

Step 4 - Restarting up.time

After the resetdb utility has finished updating your database settings, restart up.time. When up.time restarts, it will be running from your Oracle database with an empty up.time installation.

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