article How to Create and Configure Service Groups

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Service groups are service monitor templates that enable you to simultaneously apply a common service check to one or more hosts. Defining and using service groups will greatly simplify the task of initially setting up and maintaining common service checks that can be performed across many hosts in an identical manner.

For example, you can create a service group named CPU Performance Check that is associated with (and applies a common monitor to) 50 different servers. Service groups save time by eliminating the need to manually re-create individual service monitors with the same service check and alert profile for each monitored server. There is no practical limit to the number or complexity of service groups and the underlying service monitors associated with them.

Creating Service Groups

Service Groups may be created using different methods although completing the following steps in the recommended order (i.e. first create a service group and then add service monitors) is generally the quickest and cleanest approach.

  1. Click the Services tab and click Add Service Group on the left side of the page.
  2. Enter an appropriate name and description for the Service Group and click Continue.
  3. If the service monitors that will be applied to this service group have already been created, select and add them from the first list.
  4. From the second and third lists, select Element Groups and/or Elements that the service monitors in the service group will be duplicated against and then click the Finish button. Note: all element groups and elements nested below a selected element group for the service group will have the service group monitors applied to them.

Creating Master Services

Next, create the service monitors that will be applied to the service group. The following example includes only one service monitor but you may repeat the process for as many service monitors as desired.

  1. Click Add Service Monitor on the left side of the main up.time screen.
  2. Check the Performance Check radio button and click the Continue button at the bottom of the page.
  3. Enter an appropriate name and description, select the Service Group radio button and select the Service Group that was recently created from the dropdown list.
  4. Enter desired thresholds, select an appropriate alert profile and click Finish.

Now that a new service monitor has been applied to the service group, copies of the service monitor are also applied to each of the elements attached to the service group. These copies are referred to as Member Monitors and the original monitor is referred to as the Master Monitor.

Note: to modify the master service monitor, click the View icon for the appropriate service group and then click the Edit icon for the appropriate master service under the Master Services heading.

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