article Installing / Uninstalling the up.time agent on Solaris

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Installing the up.time agent on UNIX All Solaris

The up.time Solaris agent is based on the Solaris package format and follows the same steps as adding or removing a standard Solaris package.

To install the Solaris agent:

  1. Download the latest version of the agent from the uptime Support site.
  2. Move the agent package to a temporary directory on the Solaris system on which the agent will run. (Note: If you are using FTP to transfer the file, ensure that you use binary mode because ASCII mode will result in a corrupt file).
  3. Install with the pkgadd command

    # pkgadd -d <filename>.pkg uptimeagent

    Note: The up.time Solaris Agent is provided in the SVR4 package format. In Solaris 11, Oracle released a new package management system, IPS, and does not provide the SVR4 package manager by default. To install the up.time Agent on Solaris 11, you may have to install in the SVR4 package manager first with this command:
    `pkg install SUNWpkgcmds`

  4. Choose yes at each of the prompts to ensure proper functionality of the agent.
  5. Once the up.time Solaris Agent is installed, you can add the system to up.time for monitoring via the web UI.

To uninstall the up.time Solaris agent, run the following command. Older releases of up.time Solaris Agent may have a different package name (ex. SPYNuptm, uptmagnt)

# pkgrm uptimeagent

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