article Changing the Windows Agent Port

Changing the Port using the Agent Console

  1. Locate and run the up.time Agent Console under the Start menu on the target server.
  2. In the application window, update the Port field to the new desired port.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Restart to restart the agent and apply the settings.
  5. Note: if you have already added the server to up.time for monitoring, you will also need to update the agent port in the up.time web interface.

Changing the Port Manually

  1. Start the Windows Registry Editor by selecting Run from the Start Menu, entering regedit in the Open field of the Run dialog box, and then clicking OK.
  2. Find the following registry key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/UptimeSoftware/up.time agent

    For older agents, this key may be named: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/UptimeSoftware/up.time NT agent

  3. Change the value in the Port field to the desired port.
  4. Stop and Start the Windows agent by selecting Run from the Start Menu and entering regedit in the Open field of the Run dialog box:
    net stop "up.time agent"
    net start "up.time agent"
    For older agents, the agent service name is up.time NT agent.

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