article Moving or Migrating the up.time Monitoring Station

Article Contents


Moving an existing up.time monitoring station deployment to a new system involves a number of steps to prepare for the move and complete the system migration. Before moving to a new platform, answer the questions in this article regarding your migration objectives.

Can the new platform manage the workload produced by the up.time monitoring station?

Take a few days to determine the average workload that up.time places on the system that hosts your monitoring station. Next, determine if the new system will be able to handle this additional workload (factoring in any other applications that may be running on the same platform). Also consider if the new system has sufficient disk capacity to handle the historical performance data and new data being gathered from the monitored elements.

Will the new monitoring station belong to the same network space as the original system?

Determine if the new monitoring station is able to resolve the hostnames or IP addresses that you have used for your up.time agents. If not, consider updating the hosts file on the new monitoring station to ensure that you do not have a gap in performance data caused by up.time being unable to contact agents after being installed on the new system.

Do you need to maintain all configuration settings on the new monitoring station?

If you do not need to migrate configuration settings to the new monitoring station, consider performing a clean up.time install on the new platform.

Do you need to request a new license key for the new monitoring station?

The license key used on your current monitoring station is node locked to the HostID of the monitoring station system. A new key must be generated for the new platform. To receive a new key you must find the HostID of the new monitoring station and then follow the instructions in the Moving Your License Key article.

If there is a requirement to run the new monitoring station in a test environment before disabling the original monitoring station, please contact [email protected] to request a temporary test license key.

After reviewing these questions, continue with the monitoring station migration process described below.

Migrating up.time to the new platform

Before migrating the monitoring station, you must have the following:

  • The license key for the new monitoring station.
  • The up.time service pack installation package for the same version that is being migrated (available from the Downloads section of the uptime Support site).
  • The full up.time installation package for the same version that is being migrated (available from the Downloads section of the uptime Support site).
Migration Progress Checklist
Step # Task Done?
1 Back up your current configuration [  ]
2 Download and Install the same up.time version on the new monitoring station [  ]
3 Add your new license to the new monitoring station [  ]
4 Shut down up.time on both the current and new monitoring stations [  ]
5 Move the DataStore [  ]
6 Start up.time on the new monitoring station [  ]
7 Set up other Settings [  ]
8 Validate the Configuration [  ]

Back up your current configuration

Review Backing up & Recovering up.time for full instructions.

Download and Install the same up.time version on the new monitoring station

Use the full up.time installation package to install a clean but same version of up.time on the new monitoring station.

Add your new license to the new monitoring station

Login to up.time on the new monitoring station. Since it will be a fresh up.time install, it will ask you to set the admin password and SMTP server. These values will be reset once the configuration is copied from the old monitoring station.
Enter the new license key when prompted.

Shut down up.time on both the current and new monitoring stations

To stop the up.time services on a Windows platform, stop the following Windows services in the specified order:

up.time Web Server
up.time Data Collector
up.time Data Store

To stop the up.time services on a Unix platform, run the following commands in the specified order:

# /etc/init.d/uptime_httpd stop
# /etc/init.d/uptime_core stop
# /etc/init.d/uptime_datastore stop

Move the DataStore

The up.time datastore contains all relevant configuration information for your up.time installation. To move the datastore, copy the following directory to the same location on your new monitoring station:


Note: Consider compressing the data within this directory before moving the configuration information to minimize transfer time. Also ensure that file transfers are completed in BINARY mode as datastore files may be corrupted if they are transferred in ASCII.

Start up.time on the new monitoring station

After the datastore directory has been moved to the new monitoring station, start the up.time services in the following order.

On Windows:

up.time Data Store
up.time Data Collector
up.time Web Server

On Unix:

# /etc/init.d/uptime_datastore start
# /etc/init.d/uptime_core start
# /etc/init.d/uptime_httpd start

Set up other Settings

Some settings may not be included with the configuration and performance data and may need to be individually configured. These parameters may include:

  • SMTP/Email Settings (under Config > SMTP Server)
  • Java Heap Size
  • Scripts and/or plug-in monitors
  • UI Only / Reporting Instance Setting
Validate the Configuration

When the monitoring station is running on the new system, ensure that all agent systems continue to return new performance data and that up.time is registering alerts.

If any functionality stops working after moving to the new system, please contact [email protected] and provide a description of what is not working along with a Problem Report (Config > Problem Reporting).

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Moving your license key


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