article WebLogic Performance Metrics

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In addition to the WebLogic metrics that up.time collects, detailed system level performance metrics are also available. This enables you to analyze system compute performance, memory usage, disk and network performance, and then relate underlying system behavior to specific metrics within WebLogic. The metrics are derived from any of several WebLogic MBeans (Managed Beans, which are Java objects that expose a set of attributes).

Per Connection Pool

The following metrics are collected per connection pool on a WebLogic server:

Metric Explanation MBean Name
FailuresToReconnectCount The number of times that the connection pool failed to reconnect to a data store. JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime
ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount The current number of active connections in a JDBC connection pool. JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime
ActiveConnectionsHighCount The highest number of active connections in a JDBC connection pool. JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime
LeakedConnectionsCount The total number of connections that have been checked out of, but not returned to, the connection pool. JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime
CurrCapacity The current number of database connections in the JDBC connection pool. JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime
NumAvailable The number of available sessions in the session pool that are not currently being used. JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime
WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount The current number of requests that are waiting for a connection to the connection pool. JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime


The following metrics are collected per Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) on a WebLogic server:

AccessTotalCount The total number of times an attempt was made to get an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) instance from the free pool. StatelessEJBRuntime
BeansInCurrentUseCount The number of EJB instances in the free pool which are currently in use. StatelessEJBRuntime
CachedBeansCurrentCount The total number of EJBs that are in the execution cache. StatefulEJBRuntime
ActivationCount The number of EJBs that have been activated. StatefulEJBRuntime
PassivatedCount The number of EJBs that have been passivated. EJBCacheRuntimeMBean
cacheAccessCount The number of attempts that were made to access an EJB in the cache. EJBCacheRuntimeMBean
cacheMissCount The number of times that an attempt to access an EJB in the cache failed. EJBCacheRuntimeMBean


The following metrics are collected from the WebLogic system, the Java Virtual Machine, or the thread pool:

HeapSizeCurrent The amount of memory, in bytes, that is in the WebLogic server's Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap. JVMRuntime
HeapFreeCurrent The current amount of free memory, in bytes, that is in the WebLogic server's JVM heap. JVMRuntime
OpenSocketsCurrentCount The current number sockets on the server that are open and receiving requests. ServerRuntime
AcceptBacklog The number of requests that are waiting for a TCP connection. Server
ExecuteThreadCurrentIdleCount The number of threads in the server's execution queue that are idle or which are not being used to process data. ExecuteQueueRuntime
PendingRequestCurrentCount The number of pending requests that are in the server's execution queue. ExecuteQueueRuntime
TransactionCommittedTotalCount The total number of transactions that have been processed by the WebLogic server. TransactionResourceRuntime
TransactionRolledBackTotalCount The total number of transactions that have been rolled back. TransactionResourceRuntime
InvocationTotalCount The total number of times that a servlet running on the WebLogic server was invoked. ServletRuntime

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