article How do I add new users to up.time?

Follow these steps to add new users:

  1. In the Tree panel, click Add New User.
  2. In the Username field, type a name that the user that will use to login to up.time.
  3. In the Password field, enter the password that the user will use to login to up.time.
  4. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.
  5. Enter the full name of the user in the First Name and Last Name fields.
  6. Enter the user's geographic location or department in the Location field (optional).
  7. If the user will be receiving alerts via email, enter the user's email address in the Email Address field.
  8. Select one of the following options from the Time Period for Emailing dropdown list:
    • 24 x 7
    • 9 am to 5 pm weekdays
    • 5:30 pm to 7:30 am weekdays and all weekend until Monday morning
    • 12:00 am to 12:30 am Monday
  9. If the user will receive alerts on his or her cell phone or pager, enter the email address of the user's cell phone or pager in the Pager / Cell Phone Address field.  Note that the email address should use the following format: ###@mobile_provider_domain where ### is the user's cell phone number and mobile_provider_domain is the Internet domain of the user's mobile phone service.  For example, [email protected].
  10. Select an option from the Time Period for Pager / Cell Phone Messages dropdown list.
  11. If the user will receive alerts via the Windows messaging service, enter the name of the user's computer in the User's Windows Desktop Hostname field.  Note: to receive popup alerts, you must enable the Windows messaging service on the user's computer.  See Enabling the Windows Messaging Service for further information.
  12. Enter the workgroup or domain to which the user's computer belongs in the User's Windows Desktop Workgroup field.
  13. Select an option from the Time Period for Windows Popups dropdown list.
  14. If the user will receive alerts, select the Should the user receive alerts? option.  Note: if you select this option, you must also enter information in the Email Address or Pager / Cell Phone Address fields.
  15. If you selected the Should the user receive alerts? option in step 14, select one of the following options:
    • Alert on Critical: user receives an alert when up.time detects a critical problem with one or more of the services being monitored.
    • Alert On Warning: user receives an alert when up.time detects a potential problem with one of more of the services being monitored.
    • Alert On Unknown: user receives an alert when up.time detects an error in the configuration of the monitor or if up.time can not execute the service check.
    • Alert on Recovery: user receives an alert when the service recovers from an error (e.g. an application, process or service restarts, or a server reboots).
  16. Click the Disable ActiveX Graphs option to display graphs using a Java applet instead of in 3D.  Note: ActiveX graphs are only available to users accessing up.time with Internet Explorer.  Do not select this option if the user is working with Internet Explorer.
  17. Click the Show Tips option to disable graphical tool tips on pages such as View Notification Groups.
  18. Select a role for the user from the User Role dropdown list.
  19. In the Available User Groups field, select the user group to which this user will belong and then click Add.
  20. Click Save.

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