article Creating Topological Dependencies

In large deployments a single system or node can act as a gateway to other entities or entity groups.  For example, up.time might need to pass through a router (configured as a node in up.time) to monitor one or more systems that are behind the node.  Without topological dependencies, if the router fails, up.time will generate alerts for all systems behind the router because the service monitors will be unable to communicate with those systems.


Topological dependencies avoid this scenario by creating parent-child relationships between systems.  Both entities and entity groups can be dependent on a parent system or node.  Follow these steps to create a topological dependency:

  1. Ensure that all the systems and devices (e.g. routers, switches) between the up.time monitoring station and the monitored systems have been added to up.time.
  2. Click the Services tab.
  3. Click the Add Topological Dependency link on the left menu.
  4. Select the node (router, switch, device) between the up.time monitoring station and the system(s) being monitored and click the Continue button.
  5. Select the elements and/or element groups dependent on the node for communication back to the monitoring station and click Finish.

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