article Microsoft Exchange Performance Metrics

The up.time Exchange monitor collects the following performance metrics from a Microsoft Exchange 2007 / 2010 server:

Metric Explanation Performance Object
SMTP Bytes Sent Per Second The total number of bytes sent per second by the Exchange SMTP server. MSExchange Transport SMTP Send BytesSentPerSec
SMTP Bytes Received Per Second The total number of bytes received per second by the Exchange SMTP server. MSExchange Transport SMTP Receive BytesReceivedPerSec
SMTP Messages Sent Per Second The maximum number of messages sent per second allowed by the SMTP server. MSExchange Transport SMTP Send MessagesSentPerSec
SMTP Messages Received Per Second The maximum number of messages received per second allowed by the SMTP server. MSExchange Transport SMTP Receive MessagesReceivedPerSec
SMTP Average Bytes Per Message The average number of message bytes per inbound message received, indicating the size of messages received through an SMTP receive connector. MSExchange Transport SMTP Receive AveragebytesPerMessage
SMTP Inbound Connections The number of incoming connections that the SMTP server allows. MSExchange Transport Smtp Receive ConnectionsInboundCurrent
SMTP Outbound Connections The number of outbound connections that the server allows to all remote domains. MSExchange Transport SMTP Send ConnectionsOutboundCurrent
Average Delivery Time The average time, in milliseconds, between an Exchange server receiving a message from the client, and an Exchange server deliverying the message to an Inbox. MSExchangeIS Mailbox AverageDeliveryTime
Active Connections The number of connections to the Exchange store that have shown activity in the last 10 minutes. MSExchangeIS ActiveConnectionCount
Active Client Logons The number of clients that performed any action within the last 10-minute time interval. MSExchangeIS Mailbox ActiveClientLogons
Active User Count The number of unique user connections that have logged on to the server and shown activity in the last 10-minute time interval. MSExchangeIS ActiveUserCount
Current Webmail Users The number of unique users currently logged in to Outlook Web Access. This counter decreases when users manually log out or their sessions time out. MSExchangeOWA CurrentWebmailUsers
Webmail User Logons Per Second The number of Outlook Web Access logins or login attempts per second. MSExchangeOWA WebmailUserLogonsPerSec
RPC Averaged Latency The average time, in milliseconds, it takes for the last 1,024 packets to be processed. MSExchangeIS RPCAveragedLatency
RPC Operations Per Second The rate that RPC operations occur, and implicitly, how how many RPC requests are outstanding. MSExchangeIS RPCOperationsPerSec
RPC Requests The number of client requests that are currently being processed by the Exchange store. MSExchangeIS RPCRequests

The up.time Exchange 2003 monitor collects the following performance metrics from a Microsoft Exchange 2003 server:

Metric Explanation Performance Object
Messages send per sec The maximum number of messages that can be sent from the Exchange server each second. MSExchangeWeb Mail
Authentications per sec The maximum number of authorization requests that can be sent from the Exchange server each second. MSExchangeWeb Mail
IMAP4ConnectionsCurrent The number of current IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol version 4rev1) client connections that are being made to the server. MSExchangeIMAP4Connections
POP3ConnectionsCurrent The number of current POP3 (Post Office Protocol) client connections that are being made to the server. MSExchangePOP3Connections
Count The number of current SMTP client connections that are being made to the server. SMTPRoutingConnection
Bytes Sent/sec The total number of bytes sent per second by the Exchange SMTP server. SMTP Server
Bytes Received/sec The total number of bytes received per second by the Exchange SMTP server. SMTP Server
Bytes Total/sec The total number of bytes of information passing through the Exchange SMTP server per second. SMTP Server
Local Queue Length The number of messages in the SMTP queue that are scheduled for local delivery. SMTP Server
Messages Sent/sec The maximum number of messages per second allowed by the SMTP server SMTP Server
Inbound Connections Current The current number of incoming connections that the SMTP server allows. SMTP Server
Outbound Connections Current The current number of outbound connections that the server allows to all remote domains. SMTP Server
Connection Errors/sec The number of number of connection errors that occur per second. SMTP

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