article Problems adding an Agent to up.time

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This article provides a list of common problems that may be encountered when attempting to add an agent system to up.time along with associated resolutions or troubleshooting steps.

  • The agent software is not installed on the system that you want to monitor.

    Download the appropriate agent from the uptime Support site downloads page and install it on your agent system.

  • Ensure that the agent is listening on the port assigned to the agent. You can use the netstat utility to detect if the agent is listening. Run the netstat -a command and look for the agent port or the uptmagnt service. For example:
    > netstat -a
    Active Connections
    Proto Local Address      Foreign Address           State
    TCP   host_name:9998  LISTENING
  • Ensure that you are using the correct port for the agent.

    By default, the agent listens on port 9998. If you are not using the correct port, change it. For information on changing the agent port on Windows systems, see Changing the Windows Agent Port.

    To change the agent port on Linux or Solaris systems, open the /etc/services file and change the following entry:

    uptmagnt        9998/tcp        # up.time agent
  • Ensure that you are using the correct hostname or IP address for the agent.

    Try to ping the agent system from the system on which the monitoring station is installed; use the hostname or IP address that you entered in the up.time web interface. The hostname or IP address must exactly match the one that was entered in the web interface.

    Also try to add the system to up.time using its IP address instead of its hostname (or the hostname instead of the IP address). See the up.time User Guide for more information on adding systems.

  • Determine if a firewall is blocking the agent port.

    The default up.time agent port is 9998. Ensure that port 9998 (or the port that you have specified for the agent) is open between the two systems.

  • On Windows platforms, determine if the up.time agent service is running. This service controls the agent and if it is not running, the agent will not be able to return data to the up.time monitoring station.

    To check if the agent service is running, type one of the following commands at the command line:

    net start "up.time NT agent"


    net start "up.time agent"

    The above command should start the agent. However, if the agent is already running, the following message will appear: The requested service has already been started. In this case, try stopping and then restarting the agent.

  • If you are using tcpwrappers (a connection filtering program) on the agent system, ensure that the monitoring station has been authorized to access the agent service on the correct port. To do this, add uptmagnt : ALL to the /etc/host-allow file.
  • On Linux or UNIX, the inetd or xinetd daemons may not have been properly restarted on the agent system. Manually restart the daemon and then try to add the agent system to up.time.

If none of the above solutions resolve the problem, contact uptime Support for further assistance.

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