article WebSphere Performance Metrics

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In addition to the WebSphere metrics that up.time collects, detailed system level performance metrics are also available. This enables you to analyze system compute performance, memory usage, disk and network performance, and then relate underlying system behavior to specific metrics within WebSphere.

up.time collects metrics from WebSphere objects called modules. A module represents a resource category for which data is collected by the WebSphere Performance Management Infrastructure. Each module has at least one XML configuration file that lists a unique identifier for each piece of performance data contained in the module.


The following metrics are collected per Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) on a WebSphere server:

Metric Explanation Module
CreateCount The number of times that the Enterprise JavaBeans that are running on the server were created. beanModule.creates
RemoveCount The number of times that the EJBs were removed. beanModule.removes
PassivateCount The number of times that EJBs were removed from the cache. Note that passivation preserves the state of the EJBs on the disk. beanModule.passivates
MethodCallCount The total number of method calls that were made to the EJBs. beanModule.activates
MethodResponseTime The average response time, in milliseconds, on the bean methods. beanModule.avgMethodRt

Per Connection Pool

The following metrics are collected per connection pool on a WebSphere server:

ConnectionPoolSize The size of the connection pool to the data source. connectionPoolModule.poolSize
FreePoolSize The number of free connections in the pool. connectionPoolModule.freePoolSize
PercentUsed The percentage of the connection pool that is currently in use. connectionPoolModule.percentUsed
WaitTime The average time, in milliseconds, that a connection is used. The average time is the difference between the time at which the connection is allocated and the time at which it is returned. connectionPoolModule.avgWaitTime
CloseCount The total number of connections that were closed. connectionPoolModule.numDestroys
ConnectionPoolCount The total number of connections that were created. connectionPoolModule.numDestroys
WaitingThreadCount The number of threads that are currently waiting for a connection.
UseTime The average time, in milliseconds, that a connection is used. The average use time is the difference between the time at which the connection is allocated and that time at which it is returned. Module.useTime


The following metrics are collected from the WebSphere system, the Java Virtual Machine, the thread pool, or servlets:

CPUUsage The percent of CPU resources that were used since the last query. systemModule.avgCpuUtilization
HeapSize The total amount of memory that is available for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). jvmRuntimeModule.totalMemory
UsedMemory The amount of memory that is being used by the JVM. jvmRuntimeModule.usedMemory
ActiveCount The number of threads which are concurrently active. threadPoolModule.activeThreads
CommittedCount The total number of global transactions that have been committed. transactionModule.globalTransCommitted
RolledBackCount The total number of global transactions that have been rolled back. transactionModule.globalTransRolledBack
LiveCount The number of servlet sessions that are currently cached in memory. servletSessionsModule.liveSessions
TimeSinceLastActivated The difference, in milliseconds, between the previous and current access time stamps of a servlet session. This counter does not include session time out values. servletSessionsModule.timeSinceLastActivated
ServletPoolSize The average number of threads in the servlet connection thread pool.  

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